The Fight Against Devolution of the Upper Body: Free your Neck and Let your Shoulder Blades Celebrate

Disclaimer: Admittedly, this is more of a kinesiology post rather than physiology, but after several recent experiences relating to this topic, I believe a temporary divergence is worthwhile. If you make a habit of reading yoga literature, you might have recently come across  articles emphasizing the need to ban the cue “draw the shoulders down … More The Fight Against Devolution of the Upper Body: Free your Neck and Let your Shoulder Blades Celebrate

Pranayama: Kindling the Inner Fire

Previously, we discussed two of the most basic forms of pranayama (breath work), ujjayi and sama vritti pranayama. Both of these breathing exercises assist in bringing the body and mind into a more grounded, restorative state. By activating the parasympathetic nervous system, these exercises can induce profound effects on several of the body’s systems. While these … More Pranayama: Kindling the Inner Fire

The Yoga Detox: What is Real and What is Garbage?

Many come to yoga after an indulgent weekend (or week, or year) as a way to detoxify the body. Studios even advertise classes specifically designed for this purpose, such as “Weekend Detox Flow.” Hot yoga has gained popularity for many reasons, one of the biggest of which is because it is seen as a way … More The Yoga Detox: What is Real and What is Garbage?

The Psoas: Exerting Influence Beyond the Bones

Articles about the psoas seem to be popping up everywhere right now. The psoas is a multi-stranded muscle with attachments that begin at the last thoracic vertebra and continue along the entire lumbar spine. In a seated, computer-driven lifestyle, the psoas muscle takes a big hit, becoming weaker and shorter. The fibers of the psoas … More The Psoas: Exerting Influence Beyond the Bones

The Overlooked Practice: Yin Yoga and the Biological Domino Effect (Part 3 of 3)

To this point, we have discussed the importance of exercising our connective tissue, as well as how the body can sense the changes that occur during yin postures and stretching. But once the external, biomechanical signal is converted into an internal, biochemical or electrical signal, how does this signal begin to change the fascia? Biochemistry … More The Overlooked Practice: Yin Yoga and the Biological Domino Effect (Part 3 of 3)

The Overlooked Practice: Yin Yoga and the Languages of the Body (Part 2 of 3)

How does the body sense yin postures? In the previous blog post we took a look at why it is so important to exercise our connective tissues. But how can we accomplish this through yoga? Unfortunately, many people are under the assumption that active “yang” practices are an adequate prescription. While it is true that … More The Overlooked Practice: Yin Yoga and the Languages of the Body (Part 2 of 3)

The Overlooked Practice: Yin Yoga and Fascial Stiffness (Part 1 of 3)

The yin and the yang. You likely first encountered this phrase and its accompanying image at a young age, whether in the form of a friendship necklace or a doodle. The contrast of black and white alone hints at one of its basic definitions of duality. Representing the intention to achieve balance between oppositional energies, the … More The Overlooked Practice: Yin Yoga and Fascial Stiffness (Part 1 of 3)